In the spirit of awk encounters, I should tell you that I just made the last minute decision to go to my alma mater this weekend to party it up with some of my guy friends and all of the undergrads. Should be a really good time, especially since I'll be visiting the man situation I mentioned in my post about wordle a while ago. We've been talking a lot over the past few months and our friendship has morphed into a weird, "I miss you, let's bang" type of situation. He keeps telling me to visit, and I feel like this is the perfect opportunity since all of my boys will be there to make the whole going back to college thing less awk. Should be a total shitshow; I already can't wait to update you guys when I get back to Boston. Here's one of my fave photos from college to get you guys prepped for the magical updated post to follow:

That's me in the tutu, my senior year roommate Rob in his underwear, and our friend Mike on the slip 'n' slide. This was one of the most epic events during senior week, that I singlehandedly saved from extinction via a facebook group and a meeting with the dean. Unfortunately, the class of '08 totally fucked it up for everyone and now the event is gone forever. Too bad, because it was an incredibly good time from what I remember, which is not much...
Anyway, I have a lot of driving to do tomorrow, so it's bedtime.
XOXO - Christine
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