Thursday, February 18, 2010

"It's an oyster, with two tickets to that thing you love."

Oh bunnies, I'm so sorry it's been a whopping two weeks since I last posted, but life's been a little rough lately. Luckily, I have a fab story and a hilarious video for you in order to make up for my absenteeism. While the story will have to wait until tomorrow (it's a doozy...), here is the video:

Also, I have a date tomorrow night with He-Who-Has-Yet-To-Be-Nicknamed! Can't wait to let you guys know how it goes!!

XOXO - Christine

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo la la! Can't wait to hear about "he-who-has-yet-to-be-named..." How Harry Potter-esq of you! xoxox


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