Thursday, January 8, 2009

Awkward Encounters

Why is it that we always look our worst when we bump into the people we'd least like to see? I'm talking about those times when you convince yourself that you won't see a single person you know and risk running your weekend errands when you still haven't showered from the night before, your hair is matted down, and your oversize sweatpants make your ass look like that of an 80-year old. And then...BAM, there he is: your ex-boyfriend, your current crush, that hot guy in 4B who you once shared a sloppy stairwell make-out with...

So what do you do? Do you dive behind the magazine rack, feign interest in the cereal aisle, or do you pull yourself together and say hello? Well I can tell you what I did the past two times this happened to me, and trust me, it's not pretty.

This past fall I was walking to Shaw's from work and cut through Copley (the mall) since it was freeeeeezing out. As I approached the mid-mall fountain, I spotted JA, a guy that I had been hooking up with on and off since college, but hadn't seen in several months. He was wearing a suit and looked fantastic. I, however, was sporting a black work dress and looked positively downtrodden from my rough Monday. I really believe that I blacked out for a minute there, because before I knew it, I was pulling away from a friendly hug, waving my hand in front of my face, and apologizing for looking "like this." It was definitely one of the more painfully awkward moments of my life, the extent of which was confirmed by the fact that he stopped drunk texting me for a few months.

My most recent run-in happened just this week. I failed to tell you guys this earlier in the week, but I texted Comedy Club on Saturday night and when he hadn't responded by 2 or 3AM, I left him an angry voicemail demanding that he, "have the decency to text a girl back." Whoops... Unfortunately I was pretty much blackout drunk and didn't remember doing this until the next day, when Anna informed me of my ddial at Sunday brunch. Embarrassed, I left CC a second vmail to apologize for my prior antics. As of Tuesday, I hadn't heard from him and figured I never would.

And then it happened...just as I was leaving the CVS across the street from my apartment (and above his work) I saw his hair sticking up at the end of the checkout line. I knew that I'd be kicking myself for days if I didn't take this opportunity to explain myself, so I decided to say hi. He claimed that he never checks his voicemail and that he'd "shoot me a text," WITH ACCOMPANYING HAND GESTURE.

I call bullshit, but you win some, you lose some. Feel free to share any awkward encounters you've had!

XOXO - Christine

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Exciting Tidbit!

So sorry that I haven't posted yet this week, but this might just make up for it!

As an avid reader (judger) of Non-Society (and its reblogging site, RBNS) I couldn't help but e-mail Julia when I saw her post this week about texting no-no's. Here is what I wrote to her in its entirety, followed by her summation of thoughts on the subject:

Love it!

XOXO - Christine

Friday, January 2, 2009

NYE...Great Success!!

Hello bunnies! I hope this post finds you all rested from your new year's antics and gearing up for a great weekend. As it turns out, my new year's eve (and day) was a thousand times better than last year's.

Here are the fun details:

The girls and I went to that private party in Faneuil, which was stocked with many attractive men and flowing drinks. Here's a photo of the girls (ignore the couple on the left, I have no idea who they are); from left to right we have Anna, Leah, Erin, Diana, Jenn (my roommate), and Jill.

We danced and laughed until midnight, when everyone rushed to find a man to enjoy sloppy make outs with. After the bar, we all came back to our apartment to continue partying and Comedy Club & crew joined us. All in all a good time!

Alright, that's enough for now.

Have a good night!

XOXO - Christine
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