Regardless of what I can or cannot remember, the 120 photos I took prove that I had the best time ever. Even better than my senior year when I started partying at 7PM and didn't stop until I disrobed and passed out in some random sophomore's bunkbed, while he was in it, around 10AM the next day. Even better than junior year, when we rented out Champs for a 6AM dance party and I stumbled out into the daylight with MGE and hitchhiked back to campus before noon. Even better than freshman year when Doghead was canceled and rioting ensued. Definitely better than going in for questioning after a bunch of football players tossed a couch out the window of my dorm and onto a dean's car during said riots.
However, it was NOT better than sophomore Doghead, which was my only *true* Doghead experience, since it was held at an off campus house with 40 kegs of green beer and a bar made out of snow. I remember getting there around 7AM after pregaming on campus for awhile and being in complete awe. I'd been to plenty of off campus parties before, but this was SO much more intense.
The massive backyard was packed with drunken prepsters rocking every green item they owned. For me, this meant PJ capris (poor choice), a sweatshirt, my green pumas, and a coordinating scarf. I spent the day toeing the hypothermia line, but couldn't have cared less. At one point, the Sarahs and I scaled a snowbank to pee, since the bathrooms in the house were blocked off, and I remember sitting there being too cold to know if I'd gone or not. I also booted every color of the Irish flag that day, in order, thanks to lots of green beer, some dry heaving, and a few screwdrivers.
God I miss college.
Alright, Bobby's here, time to get my BOOOOOZE on!!
XOXO - Christine
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