For those of you not quite up to speed on the lives and times of our seven* favorite tanned, (mostly) toned, and (occasionally) poufed guidos and guidettes, here's Gawker's guide to to everything you need to know to make the most of your JShore 2 viewing experience on this fine evening.
Best part of the guide? When talking about JWOWW's love life, Gawker states the following: "Last season she had a boyfriend, but that didn't stop her from touching DJ Paulie's D."
Priceless, especially since Pauly's D piece is pierced. No really, it is, and it's horrifying.
Also, there's this (watch the whole this to see the infamous Snooki punch):
And this:
And, for those of you who want to see the Snooki punch from every possible angle:
*Please note that I said "seven" above. This is because Angelina is not tanned, toned, or poufed, nor does she count as anyone's favorite anything. Just keep in mind that she pretty much sucks and you'll be a-okay.
I can't fucking wait.
XOXO - Christine
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