This is where things start to get fuzzy for me and my texting abilities declined dramatically. According to the people I was with, I went off on my own and got lost, then we all met up at Bell in Hand, where I made out with some random dude, and then I convinced a guy, who is in my phone as "Indiana Jones," to come over. I guess drunk me knew I needed a chaperone... anyway, here are the incredible textchanges that followed...enjoy!
This is a convo between me and Patches O'Houlihan. I was trying to get him to come play on my roofdeck:
To Eubanks, who wasn't in town last night:
Apparently I wasn't the only one who couldn't text...

And to Matt, one of my neighbor's who was on the booze cruise. I "hated" them all because they were being slow and I wound up in an alley by myself. Whoops.
To Eubanks, JDubs, and BDubs...I have NO idea where the n'sync comment came from:
Apparently I wasn't the only one who couldn't text...
And to Matt, one of my neighbor's who was on the booze cruise. I "hated" them all because they were being slow and I wound up in an alley by myself. Whoops.
To Eubanks, JDubs, and BDubs...I have NO idea where the n'sync comment came from:
And the pièce de résistance, my convo with "Indiana Jones."
Hope you guys all have phenomenal weekends!!
XOXO - Christine