Thursday, March 11, 2010

"No girl wants to DO the moodle..."

Some of my friends and I saw an advanced screening of "She's Out of My League" last night, and it was hi-larious! Though I desperately wish I could, I'm not going to give away any spoilers here, but I will tell you that I have one major bone to pick with whomever wrote the script.

Basically, the entire premise of the movie is based upon the idea that this perfect 10 of an event planner leaves her iPhone at the security gate at the airport, and when her best friend calls it, Kirk picks up. The part that infuriates me is that when Molly gets on the plane her bff Patti is all, "wow, way to wait until the last minute!" and she's all, "I know...I think I lost my iPhone..." and then Patti's all, "Calm down, let me call it." And then Kirk picks up, and Molly's all, "oh hey stranger who works for TSA, can you hang on to my phone til tomorrow and then hand deliver it to me at some fabulous party that I'm hosting, which, in real life would be impossible for me to plan sans iPhone, and I should really be wailing like a child about my loss right now, but this is a movie so it's totes cool yo! See ya later Kirky!"

I mean, perhaps it's because the wounds of iPhonegate 2009 are still so fresh, and because she's supposed to be so impossibly perfect and sweet, but when it comes to little baby Milton the iPhone, you can bet many monies that I'd be outta there in an instant to rescue it like it were my own child (or puppy, I like those better).

Other than that, the movie was phenomenally funny, and I highly recommend it to guys and girls alike! Here's the trailer for those of you who haven't seen it yet:

XOXO - Christine

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