Thursday, July 1, 2010

I love my life, slash I am awesome 2.0

FYI, I am shitfaced. This is what happens when you meet up with your friends at 7PM for some $3 per drink triple-fisting action.

Things I have done/realized in the past four hours:

I drank 4 Coors Lights and then remembered that I am awesome (Editor's Note: Don't worry, I never actually forgot that I was, but the degree to which I am a ridiculous human being just happened to hit me around this time).

I may or may not have hit on a member of the Babson class of 2011. In my defense, he was wearing plaid and looked at least 23. (Editor's Note: This was a pretty hilarious exchange. He was wearing a plaid shirt and was furious that I called it flannel. He then proceeded to make a random girl and I pet it, tricking us into hitting on him. Cool times.)

I FB chatted like 17,000 (okay, three...) people and uploaded a bunch of awesome photos after taking down many beers and talking on the phone with Tom of Script fame about our respective new jobs. (Editor's Note: FYI, Tom friended me the other week and we've been chatting occasionally, mostly because we're in the same field and partly because we always did have great talks. Apologies for not mentioning this sooner. Also, Jim and I had a lovely convo and I'm glad to see that we can be friends.)

Today was awesome and I am beyond excited to spend the next two months prepping for the fall, hanging out with my friends, and enjoying the gorgeous weather. Things are good, and despite the craziness of the past year, I'm happy and pretty thrilled about life in general.

Jesus I'm a great speller when I booze, slash ALL the time haha. I'll be back tomorrow to post some pre-fourth of July items. Have a lovely night my little loverfriends!!!

XOXO - Christine


  1. AMAZING post. Also love that you were able to upload all the photos to FB from like 1 hour ago upon return home. Your life must be getting epic-ly organized!! I will miss you for the next 10 days!! xoxo

  2. Drunk me is very efficient haha. I will see you tonight perhaps?


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