Happy Friday bunnies! Oh boy, do I have updates for you...
Alright, so update number one is that, come September, Jenn will be moving out, and a new girl, Kate, will be moving in. I know you guys have enjoyed the few videos that Jenn and I have made thus far, so I will try and get her shitty and on iMovie at least a couple of times before she leaves.
This brings me to today's post! This past Tuesday night, my friend BB went boozing with some of his friends, and the following is our mildly entertaining text convo:
BB: We are watching tlc midgets. Me: Drink every time they say dwarf, little people, or when they use a stool or grabber to reach something. TLC drinking games are the best slash most disturbing. P.S. Driving counts as reaching b/c they have special pedals. So does shopping in the kid's department. BB: I would die. Me: Hahaha. We like drinking and eating chocolate while watching World's Fattest Man at the lake. BB: Imagine having 18 kids. Me: Like the Duggar family? I would rather sew my hoo-ha shut. BB: Yea I just saw a commercial for them, they make me wanna cut my nuts off. Me: Hahahaha. Yeah, Jim Bob must have beastly sperm.
After this text convo, BB and I had a lovely chat about the state of my karma and how if I were to have children, they would wind up being be-mulleted, unibrowed, gingers, one of whom would be half-mermaid, half-treegirl, and the other of whom would be an obese midget. My eldest would be spared these traits, but he would inevitably be painfully emo, which is just as bad. Behold, my future children:
My youngest, half-mermaid, half-treegirl. She wants to be a princess when she grows up and god damn does she like biscuits!
My middle child, an obese midget, has remnants of his conjoined twin lodged in a neck tumor and is looking forward to his first LP conference. There, he will meet his future wife, who better be fucking sterile because if this kid reproduces, the world as we know it is over. Oh yeah, and there's my eldest, Finding Emo. His "government" is Mark, as in Marky Mark, but he goes by Keith, the worst name in the English language, because he's all angsty and wants to spite me.
Anyway, in the spirit of this conversation, I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my favorite blog (2birds1blog) and post a Drinking Game Friday drinking game. The topic? TLC Specials (and regular programming) obviously!! Thanks to BB for collaborating with me to form this epic list, and to Leah, who loves watching World's Fattest Man even more than I do. Enjoy!
For Midget Programming:
1. Drink whenever little people or dwarfism are referenced.
2. Drink whenever they go to a little people conference.
3. Drink whenever a little people dating website is mentioned.
4. Drink whenever they have to climb something.
5. Drink whenever they use a modified car, a stool, or a grabber.
6. Drink whenever you spot modified furniture.
7. Drink whenever they admit to using this product.
8. Pound a beer anytime you see a midget on a pony, in a cannon, or dressed in costume (like an oompa loompa or baby)
9. Drink anytime their regular sized children pick them up. (Pound one if they are then placed in a cabinet or closet)
10. Drink whenever they use the phrase "average height" to describe their normal children.
11. Drink if a little person is pregnant. Pound a beer if they discus their hopes and dreams for the baby's height.
For Shows About Fat People:
1. Pound a beer whenever they fail at fitting in/on/through something.
2. Take a shot if they have to tear down a wall to remove them from their homes.
3. Chug your drink whenever firefighters/policemen/nurses do a countdown to heave them somewhere (like from one bed to another).
4. Drink if they find something in their rolls. Pound a beer if they eat it.
5. Drink whenever they have take-out delivered to their obesity clinic.
6. Drink for every plate of food they consume in one sitting. Alternately, do a 10 second chug for every 1,000 consumed daily (pre-diet).
7. Drink if they can only fit in sheets and specially made mumus. Pound a beer if they're floral print.
8. Drink whenever a traumatic childhood is referenced.
9. Drink if they say that they've “been chubby/fat for as long as they can remember.”
10. Pound a beer if they’ve successfully lost at least 50 pounds by the end of the show. Take down another half beer if gastric bypass surgery was involved.
11. Drink if a flatbed truck is used to move them.
12. Drink if you are watching World’s Fattest Man (Manuel Uribe) get married, and you'd like to drown your sorrows, because you suddenly begin to feel terrible about the state of your own love life.
13. Drink whenever they secretly binge eat.
And for my favorite brand of TLC Specials... The Freakshow Episodes (and other random programming):
1. Pound a beer if the show involves flippers, trees as limbs, or shrinking skin.
2. Drink whenever Mermaid Girl demands biscuits.
3. Drink whenever Half Man/Half Tree mentions his children and you cross your fingers that his shit is not hereditary.
4. Drink whenever somebody says, “I didn’t know I was pregnant!”
5. Drink when that person gives birth in a public bathroom.
6. Drink whenever fat women with mullets chalk their labor pains up to “gas.”
7. Drink whenever they didn’t know they were pregnant with twins.
8. Drink whenever someone who should not be procreating has a child.
9. Drink whenever there is a toddler in a tiara and/or full pageant make-up.
10. Drink whenever a human being’s remnants are found inside the protagonist. This includes stillborn children and undeveloped twins.
11. Drink whenever you see conjoined twins. Take a shot if they are shown engaging in intimate acts, while attached. Finish the rest of your alcohol supply if they have a significant other, and you do not. If you're out of booze, then seriously consider slitting your wrists.
12. Drink whenever someone names all 18 of their children in order.
13. Drink whenever someone calls a child a “miracle” or “blessing.” Pound a beer if it makes you throw up a little in your mouth.
14. Drink whenever Kate gives Jon a dirty look.
15. Drink for 30 seconds during Kate's rants and Jon's rationalizations that, "it's for the kids."
16. Drink whenever you seriously contemplate stealing Aaden, the adorable bespectacled child.
17. Drink whenever someone is given a diagnosis to their mysterious ailment. Pound a beer if they were diagnosed, given some meds, and miraculously returned from the brink of death with no side effects.
18. Drink whenever someone lists “genital sores” as a symptom.
19. Pound a beer whenever someone’s “Untold Stories of the ER” are told.
20. Pound a beer whenever a girl picks her wedding dress on Say Yes To The Dress. Keep drinking if tears, mother-in-laws, and/or gay BFF's are involved in the selection process.
21. Drink whenever someone waddles. This is applicable to the shows about obese people and midgets as well, obviously.
22. Pound a beer whenever someone successfully “Rocks Their Reception.” Pound another one if the song is uncomfortable, awkward, and/or otherwise inappropriate. Ginuwine's "Pony" is a good example.
23. Pound a pitcher of margarita’s whenever there is a home birth. Hope to god that you’ve drunk enough to block it out.
24. Drink whenever someone accidentally gives birth outside of a hospital. Pound a beer if it’s in a car.
25. Pound a beer whenever someone throws a bitch fit because they’re not sticking to their “birthing plan.”
Alright friendlies, I think that's about all I have for now since I have to rest up for my cousin's wedding tomorrow night! Have fun this weekend!
Hey friendlies, I hope you all had fab weekends and a good start to this gloriously dismal week. The weather in Boston is currently abysmal, I'm in the middle of finals, and some of my friends have shipped out to sea and won't be back until OCTOBER. It's seriously rough times up here for me.
Luckily, I had a bright spot in the week that came when I interviewed my friend Dizzle (pretty sure I'm the only one who calls him that) about his upcoming CD release! Here's a photo of him being rugged: To give you some background, Dizzle (who goes by DJ Donnie Dee) grew up in Paterson, New Jersey, went to NMH for high school, and then spent four years at UMass Amherst, where he met the guys with whom he would eventually start Fortune Infinite Enterprises. Since graduating, he's been splitting his time between Paterson and Springfield, MA, where he an his boys have been working around the clock to write, rap, and produce some sick music.I met Donnie a few years ago, during a Career Discovery Program at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. I was studying Architecture, he was studying Urban Planning, and one night we bonded over our mutual struggles with insomnia and obvious thuggery. Donnie is, hands down, one of the realest and best people I know, and he's definitely going places with his music, which is why I felt the need to bring it to all of you phenomenal readers! You can check out his video for, "We Feelin' It," here, and then read the interview below. The intro is awesome, and the actual song starts about at about 1:00 in.
Alright, here goes the interview:
Me: So, you have an album coming out soon? July 4th I believe? Tell me about it. Who were your major influences? What's the vibe? What's the message? DJ Donnie Dee: July 4th is the release date. It’s called Fortune Infinite Presents: The Infinite Compilation Vol. 1. It’s an album style mixtape so we called it a compilation. Me: Ahh, okay, gotcha. DJ Donnie Dee: The vibe is just real dudes, real music, good production, good lyrics, all real life stuff, but not like all this tough guy shit out there and not like this pop type shit either. Just good music you can listen to. We aren’t trying to make club songs. If someone wants to play it in the club, then it’s because it’s good, not because we designed some bullshit track with a catchy hook, you know? Me: Haha, yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Is "We Feelin' It" on there? DJ Donnie Dee: Yeah, it’s on there. Me: Awesome, I love that one DJ Donnie Dee: You’ll like the first song on there. It’s called, “For a Reason,” by my man A. Phatzz. He’s about 4 ft. tall, but his heart is bigger than his body. Me: Like DJ LIttles, in Boston! DJ Donnie Dee: He’s been shot multiple times. Me: Okay, so NOT like DJ LIttles… DJ Donnie Dee: He has mad kids. He’s lost a lot of friends, from the hood, all of that. “For a Reason,” is the story of one of his good friends setting him up to be shot and robbed. That happened recently. Me: Oh my god do I feel sheltered. DJ Donnie Dee: We all come from the hood though, but we don’t exploit our backgrounds. We use them to make good music and motivate brothers and sisters. Me: What was the reason for the set-up? DJ Donnie Dee: No reason at all, just hunger. In a hungry zoo, monkey see, monkey do. It’s just fucked up like that. Me: Wow, rough. So what was your role on the compilation? DJ Donnie Dee: I make all of the beats and do all the production. Phatzz is one of my business partners and artists. There are 5 of us. It’s Ali Phattz, Tee Bay, Tony Payroll, MicNificent and Me, DJ Donnie Dee. We’re all very close friends. They’re from Springfield. Me: So do you know them from when you went to UMass? DJ Donnie Dee: I met Tony Payroll at UMass and I know the others through him. I’ve known them for years now. We’re basically just a band of brothers that want to make music and inspire people that come from similar backgrounds and situations. We ain’t trying to be like anybody else in the game. Just tryin to make the music we feel. Me: Yeah, I can tell in the tracks you've sent me. Did you get any of your boys from Paterson in on it? DJ Donnie Dee: Yeah, my man World P and Tha Money Murda. Those are my right hand men from Jersey, but we’ve also got other features from Warlock, Ready, Phil Nice, and my man WerdPlay. Me: Wow, that's a lot of guest spots. Are you sure that they're not all just Lil Wayne in disguise haha. DJ Donnie Dee: Nah, far from it. They are all people we fuck with. Real shit. They’re all talented artists themselves too and have their own things going on. Warlock was in prison for 10 years. He’s 30 yrs old and still chasin his dream. Me: That's legit. What for? DJ Donnie Dee: Drug and gun charges he caught in NY. I’ve got stories like that for all of us, but we don’t dwell on the negative. We’ve all just been through a lot, so we‘re trying to move forward and do what we love. Me: Well, like you said, you use the past as a motivator for the future, so that’s positive. DJ Donnie Dee: I still can't believe I did that Harvard shit sometimes. I feel blessed for that opportunity. Me: Let's be real, you’re just happy you met me haha. Alright, my readers/friends will enjoy this. What did you think when you met me? Be honest! DJ Donnie Dee: You were one of the only people with no stick up your ass Me: Woohoo, ringing endorsement right there haha. DJ Donnie Dee: I don’t judge people I don’t know, but you were cool as hell, gave me good vibes, so I was happy when we became friends. You made my summer there because you made it fun to be around and I remember you being funny as hell. You had no problems approaching me or anyone else. What else you wanna know? Me: Wow, thanks, I was expecting the answer to be CRAZY. You were CRAZY, Christine. DJ Donnie Dee: Well, the fact that you are absolutely nuts goes without sayin Me: And this is why I love our friendship... DJ Donnie Dee: You were always down to do something. Me: Like see Hustle & Flow? I still say it’s a great movie. DJ Donnie Dee: What was great is that we went and were laughing hysterically at it in the movies Me: Haha yeah, and all of the other black people gave me weird looks since I went in the theater by myself, and then you came in and they were like oooooh, alright, we guess she’s okayyy… DJ Donnie Dee: LMAO. Yeah, you know you good with me. When I get some real money I’m gonna take you out to some more movies. That can be our thing, movies that no one else wants to see but us. Me: Yess! Or you can COME VISIT, and we can watch SOUL PLANE, because that’s legit my favorite hangover movie. I’ve seen is at least 15 times. DJ Donnie Dee: LMAO. Anything else you wanna know? Me: Yes, many things. Where the F are you living right now? DJ Donnie Dee: I’m living between Springfield and Jerz. sleepin in the studio/office on the floor when we are workin on projects. Me: I bet, you're crazy busy all the time, judging by your fb status updates. So, which track are you most proud of? DJ Donnie Dee: I’m proud of all my music. I’ve been DJ’ing since I was 12, I prodce my own shit, I rap, I do it all. If I had to pick, I’d say that “We Feelin’ It” is my favorite solo joint. “For a Reason” is ill; so is “Product of the Streetz” and “Can’t Knock Me Down.” Me: Are there any rappers/producers out there today who you'd like to emulate your career after? DJ Donnie Dee: Nah, I’m trynna play my own lane. If I could make music with anyone it would be Alchemist, or Just Blaze, he’s from Paterson too. Me: So not mainstream, but respected. DJ Donnie Dee: I just like the ones who make the best music, the real stuff. Ain’t into the Scott Storches and the bullshit stuff like that. Me: I saw your blog post about his being un-FORTUNATE, which is the best insult ever by the way. DJ Donnie Dee: My boy Tony Payroll (Ant) does those. I do the video blogging and I manage the band pages on facebook and myspace. Me: Nice, I like the whole blog set-up, it’s inviting. So, this is random, but I told this guy that I was going to interview you and he wants to know if your career gets you a lot of action. He just quit his job and is obviously considering a career in rap haha. DJ Donnie Dee: LMAO. Tell him that anytime you do something, there will be some group of girls that are ready to bone you because of it. I’m not attracted to those girls though. Me: Hahahahaha, so true. I love it. No groupie love for you? DJ Donnie Dee: The groupie type? Hell no. Me: That's good, I always saw you as being above that. So, where do you see yourself heading with this music thing? DJ Donnie Dee: Well, our goal is to keep putting out music. Mass distribution. We’re not really concerned with record labels and shit like that, or radio play. We’re just trynna move as many of our own units as possible. It’s all mathematics. You sell a shitload of records, who WON’T notice you? And then if your music is good on top of that, you’re golden. We just wanna be know as some real niggas, who make some of the best music and have genuine fans who love us and our music. We don’t need gimmicks or special marketing to sell our shit, we’re just us. Me: Yeah, I hear that. So where can my readers get your CD? DJ Donnie Dee: They can contact me on facebook, the blog, or myspace, and they can purchase through paypal or through me directly. $10 a copy for 24 tracks – you don’t get better deals than that, but if they wanna pay more for it, they are more than welcome lol. Me: So, if you could only do one thing (writing/producing/rapping), which would you pick? DJ Donnie Dee: DJing. That’s where I started and that’s where my heart is. It also makes me great at all of the other things I do. I just know great music when I hear it, because of the DJ experience. Me: Ahh gotcha. Where do you do most of your DJing? Bars? Clubs? DJ Donnie Dee: I did most of my DJing before I even left jerz. I was spinnin in 18+ clubs before I was 21. When I got to college I was kinda bored with the college party scene, even the clubs and bars. That’s when I got really production heavy. But I spin anywhere. Clubs, parties, cookouts…I do most of my DJing in the studio when I’m incorporating it with my productions and my beats. I’ve been doing this forever, and everyone knows it. Me: Sick. Alright, anything else you want my readers to know? DJ Donnie Dee: Well, I’m heavy on community outreach too and bein involved in the communities I’m dealin with. Basically, I just want them to know that we’re REAL. We’ve had struggles, and set backs, and opportunities. We’re not trynna be anybody but ourselves, and hopefully they get that when they listen to our music. Oh, and THE ALBUM DROPS JULY FOURTH!
Well, there you have it, everything you ever wanted to know about Dizzle! The kid is crazy talented and you guys should definitely check him out on FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, and his crew's BLOG. If you want a copy of his upcoming album, just message him through any of those forums and he'll hook you up!
Here's a lovely selection of texts from my fave website, Texts From Last Night, that could ostensibly be about my life. I would obviously be the people in pink. Enjoy.
Totally plausible, and totally rough times... (971): I feel like I just won at life, no connection sex and free 12 pack of beer after. Does life give out trophies, if so I want a big one.
Typical... (513): Mental picture: Us at a bar keeping it classy shot gunning PBR's in the corner. (615): That was a good example of when keeping it real goes right
I mostly just gag... (402): Sometimes when I see pregnant women, I wonder what position they were in when they got knocked up. Then I gag a little.
Not about my life, but a legitimate query nonetheless.. (859): What I don't get about To Catch a Predator is who the fuck still uses chat rooms?
All I have to say is, who isn't? (407): Tonight, I'm planning on being a bigger trainwreck than Britney Spears circa 2007.
Too funny: (216): Does my surprise involve the use of a safe word? (440): Probably. (216): I'm in.
Obviously... (914): he invited me to an all week drinking party at his house. apparently he knows the key to my heart is booze shaped.
Thoroughly regretting my decidedly tamer choice... (732): Facebook lets you pick usernames now. You'd better log on and get yours before homewreckingwhore is taken...
I'm pretty sure Bobby would say this, just not to me... (913): My favorite part of our friendship is your tits.
I would want to do the same thing... (845): Some girl just toasted to friendship and love. I want to break her neck.
(301): Why are there so many empty soda cans in my room? (760): You put them in a circle around your bed and said it was the best way to ward of the witches from hocus pocus....then you remembered you needed salt too. I'm assuming you haven't gone to the bathroom yet.
And finally...
(636): Mr. Last Night just informed me I told him to be very quiet when he left this morning and high-fived him as a goodnight kiss. Drunk me is slutty and manly.
More to come this weekend, including a post introducing all of you to my friend Donnie, who writes, raps, and produces his own music. Get excited, because the kid is crazy talented.
So...a bunch of people have e-mailed me this week regarding Monday's post, "The 5 Men You Meet in Boston." It seems like it was a big hit and a few people have suggested that I write an equivalent post for the ladies of this fine city. I'm definitely down to cover this, and any other topic your little hearts desire! If you have a special request, a fun idea, or even a daring activity for me to try, then feel free to comment here, reply to @afterpartyblog on Twitter, or e-mail me at afterpartyblog@gmail.com!
Hey friendlies. Being that it's hump day and that I "read" 3hundo pages for class today, I thought we could all use a little video pick-me-up. Enjoy this vast assortment of gems, both new and old.
1. Sick song entitled, "Don't Be a Douchebag." Calls out Ed Hardy gear by name, so I obviously love this one.
4. Check out Glambert (aka Adam Lambert) singing at his high school's graduation a few years ago. Yes, he's the dorky looking blonde kid...talk about a transformation!
Happy Monday friendlies! After Saturday night's run-in with the every Ed Hardy wearing D-bag in Boston, I've decided to write an anthropological post regarding the different kinds of men that you most often encounter in this extra-special city. Enjoy!
1. The Ed Hardy/Affliction Wearing D-Bag: These creatures can most often be found unce-uncing it out around Boston with Eastern European girls/Guidettes at clubs such as Rumor and Venue. There is little variation in their physical traits, as they are all notoriously characterized by fake tans, spiked hair, and a pronounced lack of sideburns. They are never far from their Muscle Milk, and firmly believe that their bulging biceps negate the gayness of their bedazzled Ed Hardy t-shirts and tight jeans. Sadly, the rest of the world fails to follow this logic, and these men are left to hook up with slutty bitches who have tanned themselves into a new racial category. Avoid these men at all cost, unless you want to spend the morning after between these sheets: Side note: TG, aka the Bed Wetter, wears Ed Hardy religiously. Though his wardrobe is excused by the fact that he's a great guy and not actually a d-bag, I probably should have seen that one coming. Also, once Liza Minelli has been spotted wearing your favorite t-shirt, it might be time to reevaluate your style choices. I'm just saying... 2. The Consummate Boston Sports Fan: These men are native New Englanders, and no matter what they're like during the off season, the second you mention a Boston sports team, they immediately revert to fanboydom. Much like in the movie Fever Pitch (which we stayed up til 6AM watching one Saturday night...lame), you must find a way to enjoy sports or your relationship is doomed to fail. Consider yourself cleared for take-off if you can see yourself taking this seriously:
(They're supposed to spell out Papi, not IPAP)
In case you unwittingly find yourself in a relationship with a Sox fan, here is a handy guide to his manboy brain. You're welcome:
3. The Middle Class Guy Who Doesn't Feel Like Trying Too Hard And Has Therefore Been Wearing The Same Clothes Since High School: If you'd rather not spend every date sitting around a Quiznos listening to him talk about that one time he got sooo wasted he puked on the vice principal's car...then RUN. Enough said.
4. The Hipster/Slave to Trends: While less intense than their counterpart, the NYC Urban Hipster/Brooklynite, the Boston Hipster is still a force to be reckoned with. Characterized by their tendency to rock month-old fads and trendy sneakers, this breed of man can run the gamut from questionably gay to skater chic, though they most often resemble a mix between Pharell Williams and "not gay" Chet from the Real World: 5. The NESCAC/Ivy League Educated Preppy Douchebag: Yum. Can I just leave it at that? No? Okay, well then let me get a little more specific.
This guy is from a solid, waspy New England family. While they appear to be perfect from the outside, rest assured that Grandfather is not on speaking terms with Aunt Milly's children, because they rebuffed his offers to help them get into Yale. The fact that this happened twenty years ago makes no difference, he still treats them like the red headed stepchildren they are.
This guy grew up with a sister named Chloe, a brother named Foster, and two chocolate labs. He drives an SUV, played lacrosse at an ISL, and wears Madras unironically. He knows how to sail and uses the word "summer" as a verb, as in, "my family and I summer on Nantucket, what about yours?" When the trashiness of Faneuil Hall finally gets to them, these boys can be found in all of their preppy glory at the Sail Loft, Four Winds, Tia's, and J.A. Stats. Their Lacoste alligators and Vineyard Vines whales serve as Batman style beacons, attracting pearl-wearing lady prepsters (aka all of my friends) in droves, allowing them to be discriminating in their selection of females. Their douchebaggery is only rivaled by that of the Ed Hardy wearing guidos, but is thankfully of a more hilarious, and therefore more acceptable, variety.
If you're still confused as to whether or not the man you've brought home is a preppy d-bag, and his pink polo is on your floor and out of reach, try grabbing your iPhone and checking out the first definition of preppy on Urban Dictionary. Got it? Good. If you manage to snag yourself one of these guys, get excited, because your future looks bright.
Alright bunnies, I hope I've dropped enough knowledge for you to get out there and snag yourself a man, or, if you're a guy, I truly hope that it's given you a chance to reevaluate your wardrobe and make the necessary adjustments...
As you've probably figured out, my man preference is clearly skewed towards the Preppy Douchebag, and my future wedding will look a little something like this, minus the tuxes, plus a nice khaki and navy blazer ensemble: Don't worry though friendlies, that's many, many years away!
Dear god. This is an affront to humanity as we know it.
If I ever met a man who owned one of these and wore it unironically, I'd slip him a gift certificate for some crocs and send him on his way. People who buy things like this need to be removed from the gene pool.
Also, I am seriously considering starting a segment on this blog in which I test made for tv products and report back as to their usefulness. Genius idea or disaster in the making? We shall see...
If you read my previous blogpost and you're feeling anything like I am today, then you're definitely in need of a pick-me-up. Luckily, that's exactly what I'm here for!
For a dose of cuteness, check out this video of my puppy:
And if you're in need of something a little different, here are two videos from College Humor. The first is "Realistic Hollywood Sex," and the second is the "March of Shame." (NSFW):
Odd Job: Hey, how was the weekend? Me: Um, get ready for the best story evaaa. Odd Job: Oh yeah? Me: It was beyond ridic. I’ll do my best to give you the condensed version. Odd Job: Can’t wait. Me: So, the girls and I went out for Erin’s bday this weekend. We did dins in back bay and then hit up Market, by Faneuil. Odd Job: Never been, sounds fun. Me: Yeah, it was. So as midnight approached, the girls and I made our way from the big room downstairs to the front bar, so Erin could take the obligatory birthday shots. As we’re walking, I spot JDubs, my former hook up of “I hope you get the herp and dife” fame. We give each other an awkward hug and I tell him I’ll see him later. Odd Job: Wow, talk about random. Me: So we get up to the bar’s roof deck later on, and of course, the first person we see is JDubs. I proceed to make his life as awk as humanly possible by telling his friends the story of how he lied to me about going to Harvard when we first met, among others. Eventually I run out of awkward things to say, they realize they’re not getting anywhere with Jenn, and they head downstairs. This leaves me with JDubs, and his friend TG, who had just shown up after texting me to meet up all night. Full disclosure: TG and I hooked up once last winter after a rousing night of karaoke. Apparently my amateur rendition of Biz Markie’s “Just a Friend” really did it for him Odd Job: HAHAHA Me: anyway, as soon as his friends leave, he (JDubs) is ALL over me. I'm like WTF and start rolling with TG instead, to get away from JDubs. Unfortunately, JDubs sees this as a golden opportunity to suggest a THREESOME. Odd Job: shut the fuck up Me: Yup, second guy in two weeks to throw that out there… Odd Job: What a jackass Me: Yeah, so he keeps pushing this, and I'm like NOOOOO haha. Eventually, aka after an hour or two, he realizes it's not happening and then gets pissed. He tells me to go hook up with TG and leave him alone because, “he has nothing else to say to me.” Odd Job: HAHAHAHA and you said.......ok see ya biatch!!! Me: haha, pretty much. anyway, closing time comes, and I get a text from TG, saying that he’s already at my building. Odd Job: that’s random. Me: Yeah, so I wound up walking home with this kid Joe, who is turning 27 tomorrow, and who gave me a mini lecture on relationships. He did this, because he was fresh from the split with his girlfriend, who had dumped him at the bar when she saw him talking to Anna. Awesome Times. Odd Job: Wow Me: anyway, I get home, and TG and I hook up. Odd Job: Of course. Me: ON MY BALCONY Odd Job: HAHAHAHAA Me: ON HANOVER, WITH PASSERBY WHO HAD NO IDEA Odd Job: amazing Me: until I saw Jenn coming down the street with all of our friends and we ran inside haha. Odd Job: Holy shit, fucking crazy. I bet that was awesome. Me: after that, we all went to pompeii for food with everyone. We ran into 5 boys from school. And then TG made me take some crazy route home b/c he was convinced that he saw some kid who wanted to kick his ass. Odd Job: good work. Me: TG tried to convince me to come home with him, to MEDFORD, because he had his new bed being delivered in the morning. There’s no way that was happening, so he wound up passing out in my room in all of his clothes. Odd Job: Right. Me: So in the morning, I wake up as he’s getting out of my bed. He just looks at me and goes, “uhh, Christine, I think you’re going to be mad at me…” I followed his gaze to my bed and yelled, “OH MY GOD, DID YOU PEE MY BED!??” The answer? YES. YES HE DID. Odd Job: AAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Me: And the best part? After he said that, he goes, “Well at least it wasn’t in my brand new bed!” Odd Job: Your life is fucking incredible. Me: I gave him clothes to go home in; he said I was a good friend haha. Odd Job: now that's a fucking walk of shame, walking home in girl’s clothes. Me: Nono, I gave him shorts and flip flops that belonged to a guy I used to work with, who I had a thing with for like three weeks a looong time ago. I’ve told him to come pick up his shit at least a half dozen times, so it’s his own fault that they now belong to a bed wetter haha. Odd Job: again, your life = amazing Me: Just another day in the life…anyway, that was pretty much it. Odd Job: awesome story, awesome life. It always entertains me. Me: my life is a fucking JOOOOKE Odd Job: hey, are you happy??? Because that’s all that matters. Me: True story.
I hope you all enjoyed that little glimpse into my joke of a life as much as I enjoyed living it...
More to come this weekend, especially since I'll be hanging out with all of these boys again at Erin and Leah's super sweet 24th bday party...can't wait!!
Pretty sure I'm owed at least two of these from last weekend...(thanks to TFLN for this discovery)
And bunnies, I also owe you a formal apology for not posting in nearly a week. Many, many, many ridiculous things happened to me last weekend, but I've been hesitant to post anything about the events of my Saturday night, since I will actually be seeing those involved this coming weekend for a joint birthday party...as you can see, I am in quite the pickle while trying to decide between posting, protecting their innocence, or waiting it out until Sunday...clearly I have been going with the latter option.
Well, good news, you won't have to wait much longer, because I have decided that sharing the truth and my lack of shame with you is far more important than pussyfooting around the epic successes and failures in which I was involved last weekend. Get ready, because when you stumble into work tomorrow and power up those PC's, a new post will be here, just waiting to brighten your day and make you sing with joy that you are not me.