Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Everyone knows that the best part about twitter is following FAKE celebrity profiles. They're over the top hilarious and generally phenomenal all around. Here are a few of my favorites that I think are worth checking out:

@the_swine_flu - In-fucking-credible. My favorite tweet so far: "@TinaFey When I'm not fucking passing biblical judgment on humanity, I watch 30 Rock on Hulu. SHIT IS EPIC! #swineflu"

@drtobiasfunke - For lovers of Arrested Development. Best so far: "It's cadbury cream egg season. I just love stuffing those cream filled chocolate pouches in my mouth and letting them melt away."

@Nick_Nolte - Anyone who's seen Nick Nolte's mugshot can only imagine what twisted things this dude is actually thinking about. Luckily, some brilliant creature put these hypothetical words on paper. Best tweet: "I'm trying to build up a tolerance to embalming fluid. You know, just in case."

@Stewie - Stewie Griffin, enough said.

@JackBauer - Best tweet thus far: "Why is Chloe telling TMZ that I'm going to be dead when we're done here? Jack Bauer doesn't die. He retires from life."

Love it! More to come tomorrow.

XOXO - Christine

P.S. I just got this in my inbox from Twitter and literally lol'd:

Hopefully it won't follow me to Derby this coming weekend!

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